On leaving the main road and venturing two miles into the wild dry countryside of La Rabía, you arrive at Nina’s Olivar, a six-hectare Organic olive farm, the farm that produces the prize-winning Extra Virgen olive oil, Almería Gold. Where the majestic mountains of the Sierra de Los Filabres creates a magnificent backdrop.
It is split into two halves, on the north side is the part with the mature trees most of which were planted in the year 2001 with a mixture of the varieties of hojiblanca and arbequina but at the same time there were about 20 huge old trees of several hundred years old that were conserved of the Lechin variety, a very strong drought resistant variety. When we bought the farm in Feb 2016 we adapted it with permaculture techniques to make it more sustainable in a desert area having 7 swales dug to capture and make the most of the sparce rainwater.
In 2018 the other half of the farm was planted, leaving three quarters of an acre as a reserve for ground nesting birds, especially the Theklar’s lark and the natural esparto grass that is their natural habitat. The rest was planted with olive trees of the Picual variety as well as nitrogen fixers Paulownia and potassium fixers Casuarina. Again, the capture of rainwater was implemented by putting the trees in berms and with the construction of a rainwater capture reservoir. All the berms were filled with organic matter to conserve the moisture and give nutrients naturally by the process of compost.
In this way Nina’s Olivar brings you an organic extra virgin olive oil which protects your health, that is grown in harmony and with respect to the planet, giving you a splash of Spain to improve the flavor of your favorite dishes.

Drone Aerial Photo Credits to Sikhlens and Punjab 2000

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